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poromeric — ☆ poromeric [pôr΄ə mer′ik ] n. [arbitrary coinage, prob. < PORO(US) + (POLY)MERIC] a synthetic, leatherlike, porous material, often coated or impregnated with a polymer … English World dictionary
Poromeric imitation leather — Sometimes referred to as poromerics, poromeric imitation leathers are a group of synthetic breathable leather substitutes made from a plastic coating (usually a polyurethane) on a fibrous base layer (typically a polyester).The term poromeric was… … Wikipedia
poromeric — po·ro·mer·ic … English syllables
poromeric — ¦pōrə¦merik, ¦pȯr noun ( s) Etymology: poro + polymeric : any of a class of tough porous synthetic materials used as a substitute for leather (as in shoe uppers) … Useful english dictionary
Artificial leather — is a fabric or finish intended to substitute for leather in fields such as upholstery, clothing and fabrics, and other uses where a leather like finish is required but the actual material is cost prohibitive or unsuitable. Contents 1 Historic and … Wikipedia
Leather — For other uses, see Leather (disambiguation). Modern leather working tools Leather is a durable and flexible material created via the tanning of putrescible animal rawhide and skin, primarily cattlehide. It can be produced through different… … Wikipedia
Patent leather — is leather that has been given a high gloss, shiny finish. The original process was developed by Newark based inventor Mario Baker in 1818 with commercial manufacture beginning September 20, 1819. His process used a linseed oil–based lacquer… … Wikipedia
po|ro|mer|ic — «P ruh MEHR ihk, POH », adjective, noun. –adj. (of a plastic) having a very high degree of porosity; consisting of millions of microscopic pores: »poromeric shoe material. –n. a poromeric plastic material: »The poromerics because they “breathe”… … Useful english dictionary
Boiled leather — Boiled leather, sometimes called cuir bouilli, was a historical construction material for armour. It consists of thick leather, boiled in water (some sources hold that oil and wax were used as well, others posit the use of ammonia from fermented… … Wikipedia
Tanning — For other uses, see Tanning (disambiguation). For human tanning, see Sun tanning. Tannery redirects here. For other uses, see Tannery (disambiguation). Tanned leather in Marrakech … Wikipedia