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pointy-head — ☆ pointy head [point′ē hed΄ ] n. Informal an intellectual regarded disparagingly, as being impractical, officious, pedantic, etc. pointy headed adj … English World dictionary
pointy-head — n. a studious thinker; an intellectual. (See also conehead.) □ The pointy heads seem to be living in a world of their own. □ Why do pointy heads spend so much time arguing about nothing? … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
pointy-head — noun Date: 1968 usually disparaging intellectual • pointy headed adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
pointy head — an intellectual Derogatory use by those less favoured: ... all he did was prance around in white regalia, set fire to crosses, wind up the liberal pointy heads. (Evans Pritchard, 1987 he was in the Ku Klux Klan) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
pointy-head — /ˈpɔɪnti hɛd/ (say poyntee hed) noun Colloquial (derogatory) an expert in some field, considered to be limited in broader understanding or vision; boffin; intellectual. –pointy headed, adjective …
pointy-head — n American an intellectual or person of excessive refinement. The expression has been used in the USA since the late 1960s by the self consciously philistine or genuinely uncultured in expressing con tempt for political or social pundits, art… … Contemporary slang
pointy-head — n. intellectual; careful thinker … English slang
pointy — (adj.) 1640s, from POINT (Cf. point) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Insult pointy head for one deemed overly intellectual, by 1971, popularized, if not coined, by U.S. politician George Wallace in his 1972 presidential run … Etymology dictionary
pointy-headed — pointy head, n. /poyn tee hed id/, adj. Slang (disparaging). 1. stupid; idiotic. 2. intellectual, esp. in a self important or impractical way. [1970 75, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
pointy-headed — pointy head, n. /poyn tee hed id/, adj. Slang (disparaging). 1. stupid; idiotic. 2. intellectual, esp. in a self important or impractical way. [1970 75, Amer.] … Useful english dictionary