
petasos or petasus [petəsəspetə säs΄, petəsəs]
L petasus < Gr petasos < petannynai, to spread out < IE base * pet- > FATHOM
1. a flat, wide-brimmed hat worn in ancient Greece
2. the winged hat of Hermes (Mercury)

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pet·a·sos or pet·a·sus (pĕtʹə-səs) n.
1. A wide-brimmed hat worn by ancient Greeks and Romans.
2. Greek Mythology. The winged hat of Hermes.
  [Greek. See petə-.

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also spelled  Petasus,  

      wide-brimmed hat with a conical crown worn in ancient Greece. The petasos worn by men had a rather low crown, while that worn by women had a tall one.

      A hat used for traveling, the petasos was made of felt or straw and had a chin strap, so that when not in use it could be hung down the back. The winged hat of the god Hermes (or Mercury) was also called a petasos.

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  • petasos — or petasus [pet′əsəspet′ə säs΄, pet′əsəs] n. [L petasus < Gr petasos < petannynai, to spread out < IE base * pet > FATHOM] 1. a flat, wide brimmed hat worn in ancient Greece 2. the winged hat of Hermes (Mercury) …   English World dictionary

  • Petăsos — (gr. Ant.), Hut mit breiter Krämpe zum Schutz gegen Regen u. Sonne, thessalischen od. macedonischen Ursprungs, welchen in Athen gewöhnlich die Epheben mit der Chlamys trugen. Auch Hermes (s.d.) kommt mit einem P. vor …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Petasos — A petasos is a style of hat, usually made of wool felt, leather or straw, with a broad, floppy brim. It was worn primarily by farmers and travellers in classical times, and was considered characteristic of rural people. The name is the Greek and… …   Wikipedia

  • petasos — or petasus noun Etymology: Latin & Greek; Latin petasus, from Greek petasos; akin to Greek petannynai to spread out Date: 1577 a broad brimmed low crowned hat worn by ancient Greeks and Romans; especially the winged hat of Hermes …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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