
Ba·na·ba (-näʹbə) or O·cean Island (ōʹshən)
An island of Kiribati in the west-central Pacific Ocean. First visited by the British in 1804, the island was annexed in 1900 and served as the capital of the colony of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands until World War II.

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also called  Ocean Island  

      coral and phosphate formation, part of Kiribati, in the west-central Pacific Ocean. It is located 250 miles (400 km) west of the nearest Gilbert Islands and has a circumference of about 6 miles (10 km). Banaba is the location of the highest point in Kiribati, reaching 285 feet (87 metres) above sea level. Sighted in 1804 by the British ship Ocean, the island was annexed by Britain in 1900. In that same year the mining and shipping of phosphate from the island began. By the early 1970s, annual production reached a high of 550,000 tons, but deposits were exhausted by the time of Kiribati's independence in 1979. The island was made part of the crown colony of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands in 1919 and was occupied by Japanese forces from 1942 to 1945. The Japanese deported many of the local Micronesian inhabitants (including both Banabans and Gilbertese) to the Gilbert and Caroline Islands and in August 1945, after Japan had already agreed to the terms of surrender, massacred all but one of the remaining 150 Gilbertese.

      After the war the British government resettled many Banabans on Rabi, a small island 1,300 miles (2,100 km) southeast of Banaba, in Fiji. The official pretext for the relocation was the wartime destruction of the home island, but the British continued phosphate mining on Banaba, which soon made living conditions there impossible. Further migration to Rabi took place in waves between 1945 and the mid-1980s, and by the early 21st century the Banaban population there had reached some 4,000. In 1971 the Banabans sued the British government for a greater share of royalties from phosphate mining and compensation for the island's environmental devastation. They were awarded a 50 percent stake in phosphate export revenues in 1973. That income soon evaporated with the depletion of the island's phosphate reserves, however, and in 1981 the community agreed to Britain's offer of a one-time trust payment of $10 million (Australian) in return for the abandonment of further litigation.

      During the 1970s Banabans attempted to separate from the Gilbert Islands, which was nearing independence as part of Kiribati. Since independence they have been guaranteed ownership of Banaba, as well as dual citizenship in both Kiribati and Fiji, but the arrangement has resulted in only sparse repopulation of the island. Tabiang is the administrative seat. Area 2 square miles (5 square km). Pop. (2005 prelim.) 301.

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