Perentie — Taxobox name = Perentie status = secure image width = 275px image caption = Perentie Lizard at Perth Zoo regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Reptilia ordo = Squamata subordo = Scleroglossa familia = Varanidae genus = Varanus species = V … Wikipedia
Perentie — Riesenwaran Riesenwaran (Varanus giganteus) Systematik Reihe: Landwirbeltiere (Tetrapoda) Klasse … Deutsch Wikipedia
perentie — noun The largest Australian monitor lizard or goanna, Varanus giganteus … Wiktionary
perentie — /pəˈrɛnti / (say puh rentee) noun the largest Australian lizard, Varanus giganteus, dark in colour with large pale yellow spots; found in arid areas of northern and central Australia. Also, perenti. {Australian Aboriginal; Diyari pirindi} …
perentie — … Useful english dictionary
Land Rover Perentie — The Land Rover Perentie is a vehicle in use by the Australian Army, produced in Australia based on the 110 Land Rover. Introduced in 1987 to replace the ageing fleet of Series 2A and 3 Land Rovers they are currently still in service. Produced in… … Wikipedia
Land Rover Perentie — Der Land Rover Perentie ist ein Fahrzeug des australischen Heeres, das in Australien auf Basis des Land Rover Defender 110 gebaut wird. Das Modell wurde 1987 eingeführt, ersetzte die älteren Land Rover Serie IIA und Serie III und befindet sich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Goanna — Taxobox name = Goanna image width = 240px image caption = Lace Monitor ( Varanus varius ) regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Reptilia ordo = Squamata subordo = Scleroglossa familia = Varanidae genus = Varanus genus authority = in part… … Wikipedia
Dozor-B — KMDB Dozor B Type Light Armored Vehicle Service history In service 2005 Present Production history Designer … Wikipedia
Monitor lizard — Monitor Varanus albigularis Scientific classification Kingdom: Anima … Wikipedia