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pedagoguish — pedˈagoguish adjective Like a pedagogue • • • Main Entry: ↑pedagogue … Useful english dictionary
pedagogue — pedagoguery, pedagogery, n. pedagoguish, pedagogish, adj. /ped euh gog , gawg /, n. 1. a teacher; schoolteacher. 2. a person who is pedantic, dogmatic, and formal. Also, pedagog. [1350 1400; ME pedagoge < L paedagogus < Gk paidagogós a boy s… … Universalium
academic — adj 1. educational, educatory, instructional, pedagogical, academical; collegiate, college, university, scholastic, school; formal, institutional. 2.All U.S. humanistic, classical, philosophical, scientific, cultural; humanities, liberal arts,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
bookish — adj 1. literary, lettered, literate, learned, erudite, educated, well educated; conversant, knowledgeable, well read, informed, well posted, well grounded, well schooled, accomplished; intellectual, cerebral, brainy, highbrow or highbrowed;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
literary — adj 1. written, of writing, of books, of literature, of letters, of belles lettres; published, printed, in print, in black and white, of the printed word. 2. versed, well versed, conversant, well read, book learned, lettered, cultured, cultivated … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pedagogic — adj 1. educational, educatory, instructional, teaching, preceptorial, tutorial; academic, academical, scholastic; professorial, instructorial, school teacherish; methodological, disciplinary. 2. pedantic, pedagoguish. See pedantic(defs. 1 6) … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pedantic — adj 1.(all in reference to one s learning) pretentious, show offish, ostentatious, pompous, haughty, vain, conceited; pedagoguish, scholastic, pe dantical; professorial, didactic, preachy; dogmatic, pragmatic, opinionated, bigoted. 2. punctilious … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
professorial — adj preceptorial, preceptoral, instruc torial, tutorial, pedagogic; educational, educatory, teaching, instructional; didactic, preachy, pedantic, pedagoguish; methodological, academic, academical, scholastic; schoolteacherish, schoolmarmish,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
scholarly — adj academic, scholastic, intellectual, highbrow, highbrowed, Inf. long haired, intelligent, Inf. brainy; studious, bookish, bibliophilistic, bibliophilic; ivory towerish, pedagoguish, professorial, pedantic. Inf. know it all; erudite, learned,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder