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Peccantly — Pec cant*ly, adv. In a peccant manner. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
peccantly — adverb see peccant … New Collegiate Dictionary
peccantly — peccˈantly adverb • • • Main Entry: ↑peccable … Useful english dictionary
peccant — adjective Etymology: Latin peccant , peccans, present participle of peccare to stumble, sin Date: circa 1604 1. guilty of a moral offense ; sinning 2. violating a principle or rule ; faulty • peccantly adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
peccant — peccancy, peccantness, n. peccantly, adv. /pek euhnt/, adj. 1. sinning; guilty of a moral offense. 2. violating a rule, principle, or established practice; faulty; wrong. [1595 1605; < L peccant (s. of peccans), prp. of peccare to err, offend;… … Universalium
flagrantly — Synonyms and related words: abjectly, abominably, agonizingly, arrantly, atrociously, awfully, baldly, balefully, basely, bestially, bitterly, blatantly, boldly, brashly, brazenfacedly, brazenly, brutally, colorfully, confoundedly, conspicuously … Moby Thesaurus
peccant — /ˈpɛkənt/ (say pekuhnt) adjective 1. sinning or offending. 2. faulty. {Latin peccans, present participle, sinning} –peccancy, noun –peccantly, adverb …
peccant — [pek′ənt] adj. [L peccans, prp. of peccare, to sin] 1. sinful; sinning 2. breaking or disregarding a rule or practice; faulty 3. Rare diseased or causing disease peccantly adv … English World dictionary