Pasolini,Pier Paolo
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Pasolini, Pier Paolo — (1922 1975) Poet, playwright, novelist, painter, essayist, film director. Although he would become one of the foremost directors to emerge in the second wave of postwar Italian cinema in the early 1960s, Pasolini came to cinema relatively late … Guide to cinema
Pasolini, Pier Paolo — (1922 1975) Poet, playwright, novelist, painter, essayist, film director. Although he would become one of the foremost directors to emerge in the second wave of postwar Italian cinema in the early 1960s, Pasolini came to cinema relatively late … Historical dictionary of Italian cinema
Pasolini, Pier Paolo — (1922–1975) Director, novelist, poet, and critic, Pierpaolo Pasolini was born and educated in Bologna and studied first art history and then (after an interlude in which he was drafted into the Italian army) modern literature. After graduating … Historical Dictionary of modern Italy
Pasolini, Pier Paolo — born March 5, 1922, Bologna, Italy died Nov. 2, 1975, Ostia, near Rome Italian film director, poet, and novelist. He wrote novels about Rome s slum life as well as a significant body of poetry. Pasolini became a screenwriter in the mid 1950s,… … Universalium
Pasolini, Pier Paolo — • ПАЗОЛИ НИ (Pasolini) Пьер Паоло (5.3.1922 2.11.1975) итал. режиссёр, сценарист, теоретик кино. Окончил Болонский ун т. В 50 х гг. получил известность как прогрес. писатель, публицист и поэт. В 1954 62 участвовал в создании 15 сц. ф., в т. ч … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
Pasolini, Pier Paolo — ► (1922 75) Escritor y director cinematográfico italiano. Luchó para la revalorización de la creación popular como expresión de la realidad. En su poesía destacan Diarios de P. P. Pasolini (1945) y ¿Dónde está mi patria? (1949), entre otras. Obra … Enciclopedia Universal
Pasolini, Pier Paolo — (1922–1975) Italian writer, actor, and film director … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Pasolini, Pier Paolo — (Bologna 1922 Roma 1975) scrittore, saggista e poeta ; regista cinematografico; anima delle riviste “Officina” e “Nuovi Argomenti”. collab./opere: “Paragone”, “Il Mondo”, “Giovedì”, “Il Punto”, “Tempo” … Dizionario biografico elementare del Novecento letterario italiano
Pier-Paolo Pasolini — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pasolini (homonymie). Pier Paolo Pasolini … Wikipédia en Français
Pier Paolo Pasolini — (* 5. März 1922 in Bologna; † 2. November 1975 in Ostia) war ein italienischer Filmregisseur, Dichter und Publizist. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 1.1 Kindheit und Jugend … Deutsch Wikipedia