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paraselenic — para·se·len·ic … English syllables
paraselenic — adjective see paraselene … Useful english dictionary
paraselene — paraselenic /par euh si lee nik, len ik/, adj. /par euh si lee nee/, n., pl. paraselenae / nee/. Meteorol. a bright moonlike spot on a lunar halo; a mock moon. Also called moondog. Cf. parhelion. [1645 55; < NL, equiv. to para PARA 1 + Gk seléne… … Universalium
paraselene — [par΄ə sə lē′nē] n. pl. paraselenae [par΄ə sə lē′nē] [ModL: see PARA 1 & SELENE] a moonlike optical illusion caused by moonlight passing through ice crystals in the upper atmosphere paraselenic [par΄ə səlen′ik] adj … English World dictionary