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  • Bachelordom — Bach e*lor*dom (b[a^]ch [ e]*l[ e]r*d[u^]m), n. The state of bachelorhood; the whole body of bachelors. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bachelordom — noun see bachelor I …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bachelordom — noun The state of a male who is a bachelor; unwed …   Wiktionary

  • bachelordom — n. state of being single, unmarried state …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bachelordom — bach·e·lor·dom …   English syllables

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  • bachelor — I. noun Etymology: Middle English bacheler, from Anglo French Date: 14th century 1. a young knight who follows the banner of another 2. a person who has received what is usually the lowest degree conferred by a 4 year college, university, or… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Smoking — For other uses, see Smoking (disambiguation). Part of a series on …   Wikipedia

  • bachelorship — See bachelordom. * * * …   Universalium

  • bachelorhood — /bach euh leuhr hood , bach leuhr /, n. the state of being a bachelor. Also, bachelordom. [1825 35; BACHELOR + HOOD] * * * …   Universalium

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