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motivic — MOTÍVIC, Ă adj. (Rar) Referitor la motiv (II, 1). [cf. germ. motovisch]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 15.06.2005. Sursa: DN MOTÍVIC, Ă adj. referitor la motiv (II, 1). (< germ. motivisch) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
motivic — [mō tiv′ik] adj. [< MOTIVE (n. 2)] of or having to do with a musical motif … English World dictionary
Motivic integration — is a branch of algebraic geometry which was invented by Maxim Kontsevich in 1995 and was developed by Jan Denef and François Loeser. Since its introduction it has proved to be quite useful in various branches of algebraic geometry, most notably… … Wikipedia
Motivic cohomology — is a cohomological theory in mathematics, the existence of which was first conjectured by Alexander Grothendieck during the 1960s. At that time, it was conceived as a theory constructed on the basis of the so called standard conjectures on… … Wikipedia
Motivic zeta function — In algebraic geometry, the motivic zeta function of a smooth algebraic variety X is the formal power series Here X(n) is the n th symmetric power of X, i.e., the quotient of Xn by the action of the symmetric group Sn, and [X(n) … Wikipedia
Motivic L-function — In mathematics, motivic L functions are a generalization of Hasse–Weil L functions to general motives over global fields. The local L factor at a finite place v is similarly given by the characteristic polynomial of a Frobenius element at v… … Wikipedia
motivic — adjective see motive I … New Collegiate Dictionary
motivic — adjective Used as a motif See Also: motivational … Wiktionary
motivic — adj. of or pertaining to a motif … English contemporary dictionary
motivic — [ məʊtɪvɪk] adjective Music relating to a motif or motifs … English new terms dictionary