Vice presidents of the United States

Vice presidents of the United States

Vice presidents of the United States
no. vice president birthplace term presidential administration served under
  1 John Adams (Adams, John) Mass. 178997 George Washington (Washington, George)
  2 Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson, Thomas) Va. 17971801 John Adams (Adams, John)
  3 Aaron Burr (Burr, Aaron) N.J.
180105 Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson, Thomas)
  4 George Clinton (Clinton, George) N.Y.
180509 Thomas Jefferson (Jefferson, Thomas)
George Clinton (Clinton, George) N.Y. 180912* James Madison (Madison, James)
  5 Elbridge Gerry (Gerry, Elbridge) Mass. 181314* James Madison (Madison, James)
  6 Daniel D. Tompkins (Tompkins, Daniel D.) N.Y. 181725 James Monroe (Monroe, James)
  7 John C. Calhoun (Calhoun, John C) S.C. 182529 John Quincy Adams (Adams, John Quincy)
John C. Calhoun (Calhoun, John C) S.C. 182932** Andrew Jackson (Jackson, Andrew)
  8 Martin Van Buren (Van Buren, Martin) N.Y. 183337 Andrew Jackson (Jackson, Andrew)
  9 Richard M. Johnson (Johnson, Richard M) Ky. 183741 Martin Van Buren (Van Buren, Martin)
10 John Tyler (Tyler, John) Va. 1841 William Henry Harrison (Harrison, William Henry)
11 George Mifflin Dallas (Dallas, George Mifflin) Pa. 184549 James K. Polk (Polk, James K.)
12 Millard Fillmore (Fillmore, Millard) N.Y. 184950 Zachary Taylor (Taylor, Zachary)
13 William Rufus de Vane King (King, William Rufus de Vane) N.C. 1853* Franklin Pierce (Pierce, Franklin)
14 John C. Breckinridge (Breckinridge, John C) Ky. 185761 James Buchanan (Buchanan, James)
15 Hannibal Hamlin (Hamlin, Hannibal) Maine 186165 Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln, Abraham)
16 Andrew Johnson (Johnson, Andrew) N.C. 1865 Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln, Abraham)
17 Schuyler Colfax (Colfax, Schuyler) N.Y. 186973 Ulysses S. Grant (Grant, Ulysses S.)
18 Henry Wilson (Wilson, Henry) N.H. 187375* Ulysses S. Grant (Grant, Ulysses S.)
19 William A. Wheeler (Wheeler, William A) N.Y. 187781 Rutherford B. Hayes (Hayes, Rutherford B.)
20 Chester A. Arthur (Arthur, Chester A.) Vt. 1881 James A. Garfield (Garfield, James A.)
21 Thomas A. Hendricks (Hendricks, Thomas A) Ohio 1885* Grover Cleveland (Cleveland, Grover)
22 Levi Morton (Morton, Levi) Vt. 188993 Benjamin Harrison (Harrison, Benjamin)
23 Adlai E. Stevenson (Stevenson, Adlai) Ky. 189397 Grover Cleveland (Cleveland, Grover)
24 Garret A. Hobart (Hobart, Garret A) N.J. 189799* William McKinley (McKinley, William)
25 Theodore Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Theodore) N.Y. 1901 William McKinley (McKinley, William)
26 Charles Warren Fairbanks (Fairbanks, Charles Warren) Ohio 190509 Theodore Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Theodore)
27 James Sherman (Sherman, James) N.Y. 190912* William Howard Taft (Taft, William Howard)
28 Thomas R. Marshall (Marshall, Thomas R) Ind. 191321 Woodrow Wilson (Wilson, Woodrow)
29 Calvin Coolidge (Coolidge, Calvin) Vt. 192123 Warren G. Harding (Harding, Warren G.)
30 Charles G. Dawes (Dawes, Charles G.) Ohio 192529 Calvin Coolidge (Coolidge, Calvin)
31 Charles Curtis (Curtis, Charles) Kan. 192933 Herbert Hoover (Hoover, Herbert)
32 John Nance Garner (Garner, John Nance) Texas 193341 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.)
33 Henry A. Wallace (Wallace, Henry A.) Iowa 194145 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.)
34 Harry S. Truman (Truman, Harry S.) Mo. 1945 Franklin D. Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.)
35 Alben W. Barkley (Barkley, Alben W) Ky. 194953 Harry S. Truman (Truman, Harry S.)
36 Richard M. Nixon (Nixon, Richard M.) Calif. 195361 Dwight D. Eisenhower (Eisenhower, Dwight D.)
37 Lyndon B. Johnson (Johnson, Lyndon B.) Texas 196163 John F. Kennedy (Kennedy, John F.)
38 Hubert H. Humphrey (Humphrey, Hubert H) S.D. 196569 Lyndon B. Johnson (Johnson, Lyndon B.)
39 Spiro T. Agnew (Agnew, Spiro T.) Md. 196973**
Richard M. Nixon (Nixon, Richard M.)
40 Gerald R. Ford (Ford, Gerald R.) Neb. 197374 Richard M. Nixon (Nixon, Richard M.)
41 Nelson A. Rockefeller (Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich) Maine 197477 Gerald R. Ford (Ford, Gerald R.)
42 Walter F. Mondale (Mondale, Walter) Minn. 197781 Jimmy Carter (Carter, Jimmy)
43 George Bush (Bush, George) Mass. 198189 Ronald Reagan (Reagan, Ronald W.)
44 Dan Quayle (Quayle, Dan) Ind. 198993 George Bush (Bush, George)
45 Albert Gore (Gore, Al) Wash., D.C. 19932001 Bill Clinton (Clinton, Bill)
46 Dick Cheney (Cheney, Dick) Neb. 200109 George W. Bush (Bush, George W.)
47 Joe Biden (Biden, Joe) Pa. 2009Barack Obama (Obama, Barack)
*Died in office.    **Resigned from office.
See as table:

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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