- Mohs hardness scale and observations on hardness of some additional materials
▪ TableMohs hardness scale and observations on hardness of some additional materialsmineral Mohs hardness other materials observations on the mineralstalc 1 very easily scratched by the fingernail; has a greasy feelgypsum 2 Mohs hardness scale and observations on hardness of some additional materials2.2 fingernail can be scratched by the fingernailcalcite 3 Mohs hardness scale and observations on hardness of some additional materials3.2 copper penny very easily scratched with a knife and just scratched with a copper coinfluorite 4 very easily scratched with a knife but not as easily as calciteapatite 5 Mohs hardness scale and observations on hardness of some additional materials5.1 pocketknife scratched with a knife with difficultyMohs hardness scale and observations on hardness of some additional materials5.5 glass plateorthoclase 6 Mohs hardness scale and observations on hardness of some additional materials6.5 steel needle cannot be scratched with a knife, but scratches glass with difficultyquartz 7 Mohs hardness scale and observations on hardness of some additional materials7.0 streak plate scratches glass easilytopaz 8 scratches glass very easilycorundum 9 cuts glassdiamond 10 used as a glass cutterSource: Modified from C. Klein, Minerals and Rocks: Exercises in Crystallography, Mineralogy, and Hand Specimen Petrology. Copyright 1989 John Wiley & Sons. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.See as table:
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Universalium. 2010.