- Native elements
▪ TableNative elementsname colour lustre Mohs hardness specific gravity habit or formallemontite tin-white; reddish gray metallic 3–4 5.8–6.2 kidneylike massesamalgamgold-amalgam yellowish metallic 15.5 lumps or grainsmoschellandsbergite silver-white bright metallic 3½ 13.5–13.7 dodecahedrons; massivepotarite silver-white bright metallic 3½ 13.5–16.1 grains or nuggetsantimony tin-white metallic 3–3½ 6.6–6.7 massivearsenic tin-white, tarnishing to dark gray nearly metallic on fresh surfaces 3½ 5.6–5.8 granular massive; concentric nodulesarsenolamprite lead-gray brilliant metallic 2 5.3–5.5 massivebismuth silver-white, with reddish hue; tarnishes iridescent metallic 2–2½ 9.7–9.8 network or treelike crystal groupscarbondiamond pale to deep yellow or brown; white to blue-white; sometimes variable adamantine to greasy 10 3.5 flattened octahedrons; dodecahedronsgraphite black to dark steel-gray metallic 1–2 2.1–2.2 platy or flaky massivecohenite tin-white, tarnishes to light bronze or gold-yellow 5½–6 7.2–7.7 elongated tabular crystalscopper light rose, tarnishes quickly to copper-red and brown metallic 2½–3 8.95 plates and scales; wirelike, treelike crystal groups; twisted bands; malformed crystalsgold gold-yellow (when pure); silver-white to orange-red metallic 2½–3 19.3 elongated or flattened crystals; wirelike, treelike, or spongy formsiridosmine tin-white to light steel-gray metallic 6–7 19.0–21.0 flakes or flattened grainsiron steel-gray to iron-black metallic 4 7.3–7.9 small blisters or large masses (terrestrial); plates and lamellar masses intergrown with nickel-iron (meteoritic)lead lead-gray; gray-white on fresh surfaces dull; metallic on fresh surfaces 1½ 11.4 rounded masses; thin platesmercury tin-white very brilliant metallic 13.596 isolated drops; occasionally in larger liquid massesnickel-iron silver- to grayish-white metallic 5 7.8–8.2 pebbles, grains, fine scales (terrestrial); intergrown with or bordering meteoritic iron (meteoritic)palladium whitish steel-gray metallic 4½–5 11.9 grainsplatiniridium yellowish silver-white; gray on fresh surfaces metallic 6–7 22.6–22.8 rounded or angular grainsplatinum whitish steel-gray to dark gray metallic 4–4½ 14–19 grains or scales; sometimes in lumps or nuggetsschreibersite silver- to tin-white; tarnishes to brass-yellow or brown highly metallic 6½–7 7.0–7.3 plates; rods or needlesselenium gray metallic 2 4.8 crystals, often hollow or tubelike; glassy dropssilver silver-white; tarnishes gray to black metallic 2½–3 10.1–11.1 (10.5 pure) crystals, often in elongated, wirelike, or treelike groups; massive as scales or coatingsulfurrhombic (alpha-sulfur) sulfur-, straw- to honey-yellow; yellowish brown or gray, greenish, reddish resinous to greasy 1½–2½ 2.07 transparent to translucent tabular crystals; spherical or kidneylike masses; crusts; powdermonoclinic (beta-sulfur) light yellow: nearly colourless; brownish due to included organic matter slightly greater than alpha-sulfur 1.958, 1.982 thick tabular or elongated crystalsnacreous (gamma-sulfur) light yellow; nearly colourless adamantine low less than alpha-sulfur minute transparent crystalstantalum grayish yellow bright 6–7 11.2 minute crystals; fine grainstellurium tin-white metallic 2–2½ 6.1–6.3 columnar to fine granular massive; minute crystalstin tin-white metallic 2 7.3 irregular rounded grains; natural crystals unknownzinc slightly grayish white metallic 2 6.9–7.2name fracture or cleavage refractive index or polished section data crystal system remarksallemontite one perfect cleavage fine graphic intergrowth of allemontite with arsenic or antimony hexagonalamalgamgold-amalgam conchoidal fracture isometricmoschellandsbergite two distinct cleavages isometricpotarite intergrowth of "potarite groundmass" (white, isotropic, high reflectivity) and "potarite inclusions" (light gray; anisotropic) isometricantimony one perfect cleavage; two less so brilliant white; very strong reflectivity hexagonalarsenic one perfect cleavage white; strong reflectivity; anisotropic hexagonalarsenolamprite one perfect cleavage may be either impure native arsenic or a distinct modificationbismuth one perfect and one good cleavage brilliant creamy white, tarnishing yellow; anisotropic hexagonal sectile; when heated, somewhat malleablecarbondiamond one perfect cleavage; conchoidal fracture n = 2.4175 isometric triboelectric; strong dispersiongraphite one perfect cleavage pleochroism and birefringence extreme hexagonal electrical conductor; greasy feel; thermoelectrically negative; thin fragments transparent and deep bluecohenite three cleavages orthorhombic strongly magneticcopper no cleavage; hackly fracture rose-white; isotropic; strong reflectivity isometric highly ductile and malleablegold no cleavage; hackly fracture brilliant gold-yellow; isotropic; high reflectivity isometric very ductile and malleableiridosmine one perfect cleavage slightly yellowish white hexagonal slightly malleable; forms solid solution with siserskite, (Os, Ir), ranging from 77% Ir to almost 80% Osiron one cleavage; hackly fracture white; isotropic isometric magnetic; malleablelead no cleavage fresh surfaces gray-white, isotropic, high reflectivity; quickly dulled isometric very malleable; somewhat ductilenickel-iron no cleavage isometric strongly magnetic; malleable; flexiblepalladium no cleavage white; high reflectivity; isotropic isometric ductile; malleableplatiniridium hackly fracture isometric somewhat malleableplatinum no cleavage; hackly fracture white; isotropic isometric malleable; ductile; sometimes magneticschreibersite one perfect cleavage tetragonal strongly magneticselenium one good cleavage fairly high reflectivity; creamy white; pleochroic; very strongly anisotropic hexagonal electrical conductor; thin fragments transparent and redsilver no cleavage; hackly fracture brilliant silver-white; greatest reflectivity known; isotropic isometric ductile and malleablesulfurrhombic (alpha-sulfur) three imperfect cleavages; conchoidal to uneven fracture n = 1.957 orthorhombic electrical nonconductor; negatively charged by frictionmonoclinic (beta-sulfur) two cleavages n = 2.038 monoclinicnacreous (gamma-sulfur) no observed cleavage monoclinic reverts slowly to alpha-sulfur at room temperaturetantalum isometrictellurium one perfect cleavage strongly anisotropic; white; very strongly reflective hexagonaltin hackly fracture tetragonal ductile; malleablezinc one perfect cleavage hexagonal though reported, existence in native form is doubtfulSee as table:
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Universalium. 2010.