Pleistocene glacial and interglacial episodes in central North America and Alpine Europe

Pleistocene glacial and interglacial episodes in central North America and Alpine Europe

Pleistocene glacial and interglacial episodes in central North America and Alpine Europe
epochs stages approximate date
(years before present)
North America Alpine Europe
  or Recent Wisconsin *Mankato
*Iowan Würm *Würm IV
*Würm III
*Würm II
*Würm I
Sangamon III Interglacial Riss-Würm
Illinoian Riss
Yarmouth II Interglacial Mindel-Riss
Kansan Mindel
Aftonian I Interglacial Günz-Mindel
Nebraskan Günz
Pliocene Preglacial
See as table:

* * *

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