FAO Soil Classification System
- FAO Soil Classification System
Soil classification system of the Food and Agriculture Organization
soil group abbrevi-
ation defining
characteristics name
derivation percent
of Earth's
land area
See as table:
Soils defined by parent material
"to turn") 2.67
Soils defined by topography
mass") 5.74
thin soil
rhegos (
Greek: "blanket") 2.07
Soils defined by climate, organisms, and time
sol etz (
Russian: "strongly salty") 1.08
Kastanozem KS warm, dry steppe environment
castanea zemlja (Latin-Russian: "chestnut earth") 3.71
Phaeozem PH warm, wet steppe environment
phaios zemlja (Greek-Russian: "dusky earth") 1.51
humid tropics
acer (
Latin: "strong acid") 7.97
and warm
temperate areas
alumen (
Latin: "aluminum") 0.80
weathered; humid tropics
ferrum alumen (
Latin: "iron-
aluminum") 5.98
lixivia (
Latin: "washing") 3.47
Nitisol NT extensive clay migration; tropics
nitidus (
Latin: "shiny") 1.59
table; plinthite
plinthos (
Greek: "brick") 0.48
Luvisol LV clay accumulation; distinct seasons
luere (
Latin: "to wash") 5.18
iron and aluminum oxides and humus
pod zola (
Russian: "under ash") 3.87
area; bleached
horizon over
clayey horizon
albus (
Latin: "white") 2.55
and thawing; waterlogged
during thaw; permafrost within
1 metre (3 feet) of
the land surface
kryros (
Greek: "cold") —
Anthrosol AT extensive human modification
anthropos (
Greek: "man") 0.004
formation; recent
cambiare (
Latin: "to change") 11.96
See as table:
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