Nuclear properties of selected transuranium element isotopes

Nuclear properties of selected transuranium element isotopes

Nuclear properties of selected transuranium element isotopes
specific activity
name and mass principal decay mode half-life disintegrations per minute per microgram watts per gram*
neptunium-237 alpha 2.14(106) years 1565 2.07(10−5)
plutonium-238 alpha 87.74 years 3.8(107) 0.570
plutonium-239 alpha 2.411(104) years 1.38(105) 1.91
plutonium-242 alpha 3.733(105) years 8.73(103) 1.13(10−4)
plutonium-244 alpha 8.08(107) years 39.1 4.93(10−7)
americium-241 alpha 432.2 years 7.6(106) 0.114
americium-243 alpha 7.37(103) years 4.4(105) 6.45(10−3)
curium-242 alpha 162.8 days 7.4(109) 122
curium-244 alpha 18.1 years 1.80(108) 2.83
curium-248 alpha 3.4(105) years 9.4(103) 5.32(10−4)
berkelium-249 beta (minus) 320 days 3.6(109) 0.358
californium-249 alpha 351 years 9.1(106) 0.152
californium-252 alpha 2.645 years 1.2(109) 39
einsteinium-253 alpha 20.47 days 5.6(1010) 1,000
fermium-257 alpha 100.5 days 1.1(1010) 200**
mendelevium-256 electron capture 78.1 minutes
mendelevium-258 alpha 51.5 days
nobelium-259 alpha 58 minutes
lawrencium-260 alpha 180 seconds
element 104-261 alpha 65 seconds
element 105-262 alpha 34 seconds
element 106-265 alpha 510 seconds
*Thermal power output.
**Indicates an approximate value.
See as table:

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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