- Earth Perihelion and Aphelion, 2005
▪ TableEarth Perihelion and Aphelion, 2005Jan. 2 Perihelion, approx. 01:001July 5 Aphelion, approx. 05:001Equinoxes and Solstices, 2005March 20 Vernal equinox, 12:331June 21 Summer solstice, 06:461Sept. 22 Autumnal equinox, 22:231Dec. 21 Winter solstice, 18:351Eclipses, 2005April 8 Sun, annular-total (begins 17:511), visible along a path beginning southeast of New Zealand; extending through the southern Pacific Ocean, the eastern Pacific Ocean, Panama; ending in northern South America; with a partial phase visible in New Zealand, most of the southern Pacific Ocean, southern North America, and most of South America (except the eastern and southern parts).April 24 Moon, penumbral (begins 7:501), the beginning visible in North America, South America, most of Antarctica, most of the Pacific Ocean (except the western part), eastern Australia; the end visible in western North America, most of Antarctica, the Pacific Ocean, western Asia, Australia, the southeastern Indian Ocean.Oct. 3 Sun, annular (begins 7:351), visible along a path beginning in the northern Atlantic Ocean; extending through Spain, northern Africa, eastern Africa; ending in the Indian Ocean; with a partial phase visible in most of the northern Atlantic Ocean, Europe, Africa, southwestern Asia, southern Asia, and most of the Indian Ocean.Oct. 17 Moon, partial umbral (begins 11:341), visible in most of North America (except the eastern part), the Pacific Ocean, Australia, most of Asia (except the western part).● 1Universal time.● Source: The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2005 (2004).See as table:
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Universalium. 2010.