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Morganatically — Morganatic Mor ga*nat ic, a. [LL. matrimonium ad morganaticam, fr. morganatica a morning gift, a kind of dowry paid on the morning before or after the marriage, fr. OHG. morgan morning, in morgangeba morning gift, G. morgengabe. See {Morn}.]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
morganatically — adverb see morganatic … New Collegiate Dictionary
morganatically — mÉ”rgÉ™ nætɪklɪ / mÉ”Ë adv. by marriage between a nobleman and a lower class woman, in a morganatic manner … English contemporary dictionary
morganatically — mor·ga·nat·i·cal·ly … English syllables
morganatically — adverb see morganatic … Useful english dictionary
morganatic — morganatically, adv. /mawr geuh nat ik/, adj. of or pertaining to a form of marriage in which a person of high rank, as a member of the nobility, marries someone of lower station with the stipulation that neither the low ranking spouse nor their… … Universalium
Morganatic marriage — In the context of European royalty, a morganatic marriage is a marriage between people of unequal social rank, which prevents the passage of the husband s titles and privileges to the wife and any children born of the marriage. It is also known… … Wikipedia
Count of Wisborg — The title Count of Wisborg (Swedish: Greve af Wisborg) is, since 1892, borne by the male line descendants of four princes of Sweden who married morganatically without the consent of the King of Sweden and thereby lost the right of succession to… … Wikipedia
Frederick William, Elector of Hesse — Frederick William I, Elector of Hesse (August 20 1802 January 6 1875) was between 1847 and 1866 the last Elector of Hesse Kassel (or Hesse Cassel). Life He was born at Hanau, the son of Prince William, later William II, Elector of Hesse, and… … Wikipedia
Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma — Marie Louise Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma Empress consort of the French; Queen consort of Italy Tenure 11 March 1810 – 6 April 1814 … Wikipedia