

      any of seven north Asian species of subterranean rodents (rodent). Zokors are molelike animals that have chunky cylindrical bodies with short powerful limbs. Their feet are large and robust, and the long front claws are self-sharpening and very strong. The tiny eyes are very sensitive to light and nearly hidden in fur.

      Zokors are medium-sized rodents weighing from 150 to 560 grams (about 5 to 20 ounces) and having a body 15 to 27 cm (6 to over 10 inches) long. They are covered in long silky fur, which ranges in colour from grayish to reddish brown or pinkish buff. In one species, white patches adorn the muzzle. The conical tail is short (3 to 10 cm) and scantily haired; it may be uniformly coloured or dark above and white below.

      Zokors are vigorous, efficient burrowers. Excavating tunnels with their front feet and claws, they rake loosened soil under themselves, using their incisor teeth to cut obstructing roots. After accumulating a quantity of debris beneath their bodies, the zokors kick it back with the hind feet, then turn around and push the pile through the tunnel and out onto the surface in a mound. The main burrow is dug about 2 metres (6.6 feet) below the surface and is constructed with separate chambers for nesting, food storage, and waste. An extensive network of shallow tunnels passes beneath food plants, and the distribution of surface mounds reflects the animal's underground travels. Zokors do not hibernate but are more active during spring and autumn, bearing one litter of four to six young in the spring. Their diet consists primarily of roots, bulbs, and rhizomes (rhizome), but they sometimes eat leaves and shoots.

      The geographic range of zokors includes northern China, southern Mongolia, and western Siberia. They prefer meadows in wooded regions and along river valleys, particularly mountain valleys at elevations between 900 and 2,200 metres; sod-covered steppes and stony slopes are avoided. The animal's ideal habitat contains rich dark soil with abundant grasses, tubers (tuber), and rhizomes, so it is not surprising that these rodents are also encountered in pastures, abandoned agricultural fields, and vegetable gardens.

      Although zokors are often described asmole rats,” moles (mole) belong to an unrelated group of mammals (order Insectivora (insectivore)). Nor are zokors closely related to other burrowing rodents, such as African mole rats, bamboo rats, blesmols (blesmol), blind mole rats (blind mole rat), and mole voles (vole). Rather, zokors are a purely north Asian group with no close relatives; they constitute their own subfamily (Myospalacinae) of rodents within the mouse and rat family ( Muridae). The fossil history of zokors extends back to the Late Miocene Epoch (11.2 million to 5.3 million years ago) in China.

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