

Wade-Giles romanization  Chou-k'ou , formerly  Zhoukouzhen 

      city, eastern Henan sheng (province), east-central China. The city is situated on the upper course of the Ying River, a tributary of the Huai River, at its confluence with the Sha and Jialu rivers. These rivers are navigable by small craft, and Zhoukou traditionally was an important river port providing a transportation route southward to Anhui and Jiangsu provinces and northward toward the city of Zhengzhou in Henan. It is also the focus of a dense road network covering east and southeast Henan. Zhoukou is an important regional market and collecting centre for the agricultural produce of a wide area.

      Originally a small ferry landing on the confluence of the three rivers, Zhoukou was called Zhoujia Dukou in ancient times. The traffic generated by its convenient access to land and water gradually transformed Zhoukou into a bustling town, famous for its mule, horse, leather, and fur trades. It was a flourishing city in Ming (Ming dynasty) (13681644) and Qing (Qing dynasty) (16441911/12) times, with a walled city divided into three sections by the rivers. This layout and the city's active trading environment elicited comparisons with the present-day city of Wuhan, in Hubei province (which is also divided into three parts by confluent rivers), and Zhoukou received the nicknameLesser Wuhan.” After the Beijing-Hankou railway was built to the west, Zhoukou lost some of its importance to Luohe (also in Henan province). However, the completion of the Luohe-Jieshou rail line passing through Zhoukou and a newly constructed expressway again made it a local centre of commerce and transportation. Its industries include food processing, textile manufacturing, tanning, and papermaking.

      According to Chinese legend, during the days of remote antiquity, the areas around Zhoukou constituted the Eden of Fuxi (Fu Hsi), China's first legendary emperor, and Nüwa ( Kua), his wife or sister. Zhoukou is also said to have been the home of the ancient Chinese philosopher Laozi. Sites of historic interest in the surrounding area include the Mausoleum of Taihao (Fuxi), the ruins of Huaiyang (an ancient city), and Taiqing Palace, associated with Laozi. Pop. (2002 est.) 221,767.

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