

      city, northeastern Buenos Aires provincia (province), eastern Argentina. It is located on the Paraná de las Palmas River, a channel of the lower Paraná River delta emptying into the Río de la Plata estuary northwest of Buenos Aires. Founded in 1825 as Rincón de Zárate, the settlement was given city status in 1909. From 1932 to 1946 it was known as General Uriburu. Although wheat, alfalfa, flax, and potatoes are cultivated and livestock are raised in the hinterland, Zárate is primarily a manufacturing and transportation centre, with meat-packing plants, paper mills, and dairies. A 20-mile (33-km)-long system of bridges, roadways, and railways was completed in the late 1970s extending north from Zárate across the Paraná delta; for the first time, direct transportation links between the Argentine Mesopotamia and Buenos Aires regions were established. A free trade zone for Paraguayan commerce was built near Zárate in the early 1980s, but the port of Zárate itself is not navigable to oceangoing vessels. Pop. (2001) 86,686.

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