

also called  Yahgan,  

      South American Indian people, very few in number, who were the traditional occupants of the south coast of Tierra del Fuego and the neighbouring islands south to Cape Horn. In the 19th century they numbered between 2,500 and 3,000. The Yámana language forms a distinct linguistic group made up of five mutually intelligible dialects that correspond to five regionally defined subdivisions.

      Archaeologists have discovered extensive remains of Yámana camping places. Like their neighbours the Alacaluf and the Chono (q.v.), the Yámana hunted and gathered shellfish, seals, whales, and birds; a few berries and several varieties of fungi rounded out their diet. Despite the cold, rainy climate they had only a single garment of animal skin, worn like a cape over the shoulders. Their canoes had distinctive raised, pointed ends and a fireplace amidships.

      The Yámana had no organized tribal life or recognized leaders. The family, usually monogamous, formed the basic social, political, and economic unit. They followed no clear pattern of migration and rarely camped in one place for more than a few days.

      Their aesthetic activities were simple and few. They believed in a benevolent deity who was the giver of life and who punished wrongdoers. There were lesser spirits also, who could be approached through a shaman.

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