

      southernmost of the Northwest Coast Indians (Northwest Coast Indian) of North America, they lived along the lower Mad River, Humboldt Bay, and lower Eel River of what is now California and spoke Wiyot, a Macro-Algonquian language (Macro-Algonquian languages). They were culturally and linguistically related to the Yurok and had some cultural elements typical of the California Indians (California Indian) to their immediate south.

      Traditional Wiyot settlements were located on streams or bays, fairly close to the ocean. The Wiyot rarely ventured onto the ocean for subsistence or for travel, preferring still water. Villages consisted of 4 to 12 plank houses; there were also scattered hamlets of one or two houses. In addition, there were men's sweathouses, used for sleeping, working, and leisure as well as for regular sweat baths and purification.

      Before colonization the Wiyot were mainly fishers, catching salmon and other fish. They also collected mollusks, especially clams, and trapped land mammals. Houses and canoes were made of coast redwood. The Wiyot economy used dentalium shells, long obsidian knives, woodpecker scalps, and white deerskins as symbols of wealth. There were no formal chiefs or individuals vested with significant political authority, but wealthy men were influential as advisers. Disputes, and even murder, were settled by the payment of dentalium shells as blood money.

       shamanism was important in Wiyot culture, and most Wiyot shamans were women; they were thought to acquire their powers on mountaintops at night. Some shamans only diagnosed disease; others cured by sucking out disease objects and blood. Traditional religious beliefs included a creator-god and many animal characters.

      Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 700 individuals of Wiyot descent.

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Universalium. 2010.

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