Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans
- Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans
▪ American author
née Augusta Jane Evans
born May 8, 1835, Wynnton [now part of Columbus], Ga., U.S.
died May 9, 1909, Mobile, Ala.
American author whose sentimental, moralistic novels met with great popular success.
Augusta Jane Evans received little formal schooling but early became an avid reader.
At age 15 she began writing a story that was published anonymously in 1855 as Inez: A Tale of the Alamo,
a sentimental,
moralistic novel laced with anti-
Catholic prejudice.
In 1859 she published Beulah—
a somewhat pedantic tale concerned with religious doubt—
which was fairly successful.
During the Civil War,
Evans was a fervent supporter of the Confederate cause,
whose rightness was a moral principle to her,
and she devoted much time and energy to nursing and relief work.
Her Macaria; or, Altars of Sacrifice (
published in Richmond,
was an effective morale builder in the South,
and even a Northern edition,
reprinted from a contraband copy,
sold well.
One Union general was said to have ordered his men not to read it and to have burned all available copies.
St. Elmo (
was a huge success,
with its Byronic hero saved to righteousness by a virtuous maiden.
It was later dramatized and in 1914 adapted for a silent film. (
The book'
s sentimentality and turgidity inspired a popular parody,
St. Twel'mo, by William Webb.)
In 1868 Evans married Lorenzo M.
a man 27 years her senior.
While managing his estate and later traveling with him for his health,
Wilson wrote Vashti (
Infelice (
and At the Mercy of Tiberius (
After her husband'
s death in 1891,
she lived with relatives in Mobile and completed A Speckled Bird (
and Devota (
* * *
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Augusta Jane Evans — Augusta Jane Wilson, or Augusta Evans Wilson, (May 8, 1835 – May 9, 1909) was an American Southern author and one of the pillars of Southern literature. Given her support for the Confederate States of America from the perspective of a Southern… … Wikipedia
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Augusta Evans Wilson — Augusta Jane Evans Wilson (1890) Augusta Jane Evans Wilson (* 8. Mai 1835 in Columbus, Georgia als Augusta Jane Evans; † 9. Mai 1909 in Mobile, Alabama) war eine amerikanische Schriftstellerin … Deutsch Wikipedia
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