Wilcox, Ella Wheeler

Wilcox, Ella Wheeler

American poet and journalist
née  Ella Wheeler  
born Nov. 5, 1850, Johnstown Center, Rock county, Wis., U.S.
died Oct. 30, 1919, Short Beach, Conn.
 American poet and journalist who is perhaps best remembered for verse tinged with an eroticism that, while rather oblique, was still unconventional for her time.

      Ella Wheeler from an early age was an avid reader of popular literature, especially the novels of E.D.E.N. Southworth (Southworth, Emma), Mary Jane Holmes, and Ouida. Her first published work, some sketches submitted to the New York Mercury, appeared when she was 14 years old. Soon her poems were appearing in the Waverly Magazine and Leslie's Weekly. Except for a year at the University of Wisconsin (186768), she devoted herself thereafter to writing.

      Wheeler's first book, a collection of temperance verses, appeared in 1872 as Drops of Water. Shells, a collection of religious and moral poems, followed in 1873 and Maurine, a highly sentimental verse narrative, in 1876. The rejection of her next book, a collection of love poems, by a Chicago publisher on grounds that it was immoral helped ensure its success when it was issued by another publisher in 1883 as Poems of Passion, a titillating title that was as racy as any of the contents. The sale of 60,000 copies in two years firmly established Wheeler's reputation.

      In 1884 she married Robert M. Wilcox, a businessman. While making herself the centre of a literary coterie, Wilcox continued to pour out verses laced with platitudes and easy profundities. They were collected in such volumes as Men, Women, and Emotions (1893), Poems of Pleasure (1888), Poems of Sentiment (1906), Gems (1912), and World Voices (1918).

      Wilcox also wrote much fiction, including Mal Moulée (1885), A Double Life (1890), Sweet Danger (1892), and A Woman of the World (1904); two autobiographies, The Story of a Literary Career (1905) and The Worlds and I (1918); and columns of prose and poetry for various newspapers and articles and essays for Cosmopolitan and other magazines.

      After her husband's death in 1916, Wilcox made her long-standing interest in spiritualism the subject of a series of columns as she soughtsuccessfully, she claimedto contact his spirit. At her husband's direction (she said), Wilcox undertook a lecture and poetry-reading tour of Allied army camps in France in 1918.

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  • Wilcox — /wil koks/, n. Ella Wheeler, 1850 1919, U.S. poet. * * * …   Universalium

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