Whitehead, Henry S[t. Clair] — (1882–1932) American author of weird tales and friend of HPL (1931–32). HPL reports (“In Memoriam: Henry St. Clair Whitehead”) that Whitehead, a New Jersey native, graduated from Harvard in 1904; this is false, although Whitehead did study… … An H.P.Lovecraft encyclopedia
Whitehead — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947), britischer Philosoph und Logiker Annie Whitehead (* 1955), britische Jazzposaunistin Chad Whitehead (* 1987), australischer Badmintonspieler Dean Whitehead (* 1982),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
WHITEHEAD (J. H. C.) — WHITEHEAD JOHN HENRY CONSTANTINE (1904 1960) Né à Madras, neveu du philosophe et logicien Alfred North Whitehead, J. H. C. Whitehead fit ses études à Oxford; il y rencontra, en 1920, O. Veblen, avec qui il collabora pendant trois ans à Princeton … Encyclopédie Universelle
Henry Taylor (Rennfahrer) — Henry Taylor Automobil /Formel 1 Weltmeisterschaft Nation: Vereinigtes Konigreich Vereinigtes Königreich Erster Start: Großer Preis von Groß … Deutsch Wikipedia
Henry Hayes Vowles — (born 26 June 1843 in Bath, England and died 13 November 1905 in Gloucester, England) was an author, theologian and a Wesleyan Minister. He also published religious poetry.ParentsHe was the son of Henry Vowles (born c1816) of bath and Mary Yeoman … Wikipedia
Henry Perrine — was a physician, horticulturist, United States Consul in Campeche, Campeche, Mexico, and an enthusiast for introducing tropical plants into cultivation in the United States.Henry Edward Perrine was born April 5 1797 at Cranbury, New Jersey. He… … Wikipedia
Henry Perigal Borrell — (1795, London – 2 October 1851, Smyrna) was a British numismatist. He was the son of John Henry Borrell, a London clockmaker, and Kitty Howe. Having learned the numismatics trade in London, he traveled to the Ottoman Empire and set up home and… … Wikipedia
Henry Paul — Henry Rangi Paul, est né le 10 février 1974 à Tokoroa (Nouvelle Zélande). C’est un joueur de rugby à XIII, qui joue aux Harlequins Rugby League, évoluant au poste d ouverture (1,80 m et 95 kg). Durant son adolescence, Paul jouait à XV… … Wikipédia en Français
Henry Felix Woods — (Woods Pasha) (* 18. Juli 1843 auf Jersey; † 18. Februar 1929 in Konstantinopel[1]) war Admiral und Pascha in der osmanischen Marine. Werdegang Er stammte ab aus dem Yeoman Lager.[2] Im Alter von zehn Jahren begann er am Upper Greenwich Hospital… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Henry A. Bamman — is an American author. His titles focus on adventure and science fiction. He has co authored many books with Helen Huus and Robert J Whitehead.In 1978, he was invited to speak at Truman State University as a Baldwin Lecturer. He spoke on Crisis… … Wikipedia