Wessel, Johan Herman

Wessel, Johan Herman

Danish author
born Oct. 6, 1742, Jonsrud, near Vestby, Nor.
died Dec. 29, 1785, Copenhagen

      Norwegian-born Danish writer and wit, known for his epigrams and light verse and for a famous parody of neoclassical tragedy.

      From 1761 when he entered the University of Copenhagen until his death at 43, Wessel lived the bohemian life of a debt-ridden, perpetual student. He was one of the founders (1772) and the outstanding talent of the Norske Selskab (Norwegian Society), an influential literary and convivial club of Norwegian students at Copenhagen. Reacting against the early signs of literary Romanticism coming from Germany, the Norwegian students opted for Rationalism and chose as their motto Vos exemplaria Graeca (“Let the Greeks be your models”). Wessel contributed epigrams, verse and impromptus to the anthologies that the club began to publish in 1775. He aimed his satiric wit at the excesses of both Neoclassicism and Romanticism. His only important long work, Kiærlighed uden strømper (1772; “Love Without Stockings”), is atragedyin five acts dealing with the theft of an apprentice's stockings on his wedding day. It is written in alexandrines and observes the classical unities to the letter; at the end all the characters die, on the same day and in the same place. Wessel's other works include songs and comic verse tales.

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