Webb, Clement Charles Julian

Webb, Clement Charles Julian

▪ British philosopher
born June 25, 1865, London
died Oct. 5, 1954, Pitchcott, Buckinghamshire, Eng.

      English scholar and philosopher remembered for his contribution to the study of the societal aspects of religion.

      A fellow and tutor in philosophy at Magdalen College, Oxford, from 1889 to 1922, Webb served as the first Oriel Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion at Oriel College, Oxford, from 1920 to 1930. Most important among his scholarly works are his editions of the Policraticus (1909) and the Metalogicon (1929), political and educational treatises by the medieval philosopher John of Salisbury. Cautious of extreme claims, Webb criticized the theories of the pioneer sociologists Émile Durkheim and Lucien Lévy-Bruhl, who had treated religion as only a social phenomenon, in his Group Theories of Religion and the Individual (1916). Two of his works in the philosophy of religion—God and Personality (1918) and Divine Personality and Human Life (1920)—discussed the relationship between divine personality and man's social, political, scientific, and religious activities.

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