

▪ Indonesian theatre
also spelled  Wajang 

      (Javanese: “shadow”), classical Javanese puppet drama that uses the shadows thrown by puppets manipulated by rods against a translucent screen lit from behind. Developed before the 10th century, the form had origins in the thalubomalata, the leather puppets of southern India. The art of shadow puppetry probably spread to Java with the spread of Hinduism.

      The prototype of the wayang figures is the wayang kulit, or shadow puppet made of perforated, elaborately painted leather. The plays utilizing wayang puppets are set in mythological times and dramatize episodes from the Hindu epics Rāmāyaṇa and Mahābhārata. Some are of Javanese creation, being further elaborations of the Mahābhārata legends of the five heroic Pāṇḍava brothers. These highly ritualized midnight-to-dawn performances may be viewed from either side of the screen, some of the audience sitting behind the dalang (puppeteer), but most connoisseurs prefer to watch the figures as shadows cast on the screen. When the characters are introduced, the figures representing the forces of good are on the right, the evil ones on the left.

      The stylized shapes and movements of the early wayang kulit puppets were imitated by other forms of wayang, notably the wayang golek, or three-dimensional wooden figures manipulated by rods; the wayang wong, a pantomime by live actors; and the wayang Krunchil, wooden puppets in low relief.

      Wayang plays are usually viewed on such important occasions as birthdays and anniversaries. Though they are also found in China and throughout Southeast Asia, they do not have the same mystical and religious connotations there that they have in Java.

      Wayang influenced European puppetry through the work of the puppeteer Richard Teschner (Teschner, Richard), who, in the early 20th century, fused the artistic quality and simplicity of wayang with Germanic technical excellence in his Viennese puppet theatre, Figuren Spiegel.

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