Wang Xizhi

Wang Xizhi

Chinese calligrapher
Wade-Giles romanization  Wang Hsi-chih , also called  Wang Youjun 
born c. 303, Linyi, Shangdong province, China
died c. 361

      the most celebrated of Chinese calligraphers.

      It is said that even in his lifetime a few of Wang's characters or his signature were priceless; down through the ages, aspiring students of that most basic yet highest art in China, calligraphy, have copied and preserved traces of his style. The most famous example of his writing is the Lantingxu (“Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion”), which recorded a famous gathering of some 42 literary figures during the Spring Purification Festival of AD 353 to compose poems and enjoy the companionship of wine. Wang's work was written in the xingshu, orrunning script,” and has become the model for that particular style of writing. Among other generations of calligraphers in the family, Wang Xianzhi (AD 344386), the youngest son of Wang Xizhi, was the most famous.

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