Walafrid Strabo

Walafrid Strabo

Benedictine abbot
born c. 808, Swabia
died Aug. 18, 849, Reichenau, Franconia [now in Germany]

      Benedictine abbot, theologian, and poet whose Latin writings were the principal exemplar of German Carolingian culture.

      Walafrid received a liberal education at the abbey of Reichenau on Lake Constance. After further studies under the celebrated Rabanus Maurus of Fulda Abbey, he was recommended in 829 as tutor to Charles the Bald, son of the Holy Roman emperor Louis I the Pious. Rewarded for his services at court by his appointment as abbot of Reichenau in 838, Walafrid became involved in the power struggle between Louis's sons and, because of his support of the imperial claims of Lothar I, was banished in 839 by Louis the German. After Lothar's defeat in 842, however, Walafrid was reinstated at Reichenau and served as Louis the German's emissary to Charles the Bald.

      Walafrid was esteemed by his contemporaries more for his theological thought and writings than for his poetry, on which modern interest chiefly focuses. His best-known theological work, Liber de exordiis et incrementis quarundam in observationibus ecclesiasticis rerum (c. 841; “Book on the Origins and Development of Certain Matters in Church Practice”), is valuable for its data on Carolingian religious affairs and administration.

      As a young monk at Reichenau about 826, Walafrid set to verse Visio Wettini (“The Vision of Wettin”), recording a mystical experience described by his first tutor. With its poetic images of hell, purgatory, and paradise, Visio Wettini anticipated Dante's Divine Comedy. Later Walafrid wrote his most important poem, Liber de cultura hortorum (“Book on the Art of Gardening”), a lyrical piece describing 23 flowers and herbs, their mythological and Christian significances, and their healing properties. His other works include an important panegyric poem, De imagine Tetrici (“On the Statue of Theodoric”), and a revision of the Life of Charlemagne by the eminent Frankish historian Einhard. Because of its readability and accuracy, this account of Charlemagne is considered one of the outstanding biographies of the Middle Ages.

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