Vossius, Gerardus Johannes

Vossius, Gerardus Johannes

Dutch humanist
(Latin),Dutch  Gerhard Johann Voss  
born 1577, near Heidelberg
died March 19, 1649, Amsterdam

      Dutch Humanist theologian, one of the foremost scholars of the Dutch Republic'sGolden Age.”

      Vossius studied at Leiden, where he made a lasting friendship with the jurist and scholar Hugo Grotius. In 1615 he became regent of the theological college of the States-General at Leiden and soon joined the controversy over Arminianism, a liberal reaction to the Calvinist doctrine of predestination. His mediating role was suspected by the Calvinists, and he resigned his chair in 1619.

      So great, however, was Vossius' reputation as a scholar that in 1622 he was appointed professor of rhetoric and chronology (later also Greek) at the University of Leiden. He twice refused invitations to Cambridge but accepted a nonresident prebendary at Canterbury offered him by Charles I and Archbishop William Laud. He was installed there in 1629 and received a doctorate of civil law from Oxford. In 1632 Vossius left Leiden to become professor of history at the newly founded Athenaeum at Amsterdam.

      Vossius' scholarship was universal, though his reputation during his lifetime was chiefly in the field of classics and educational works, including several volumes of church history and doctrine. Particularly interesting for the light it throws on contemporary problems is his varied and extensive correspondence with men prominent in all fields, especially English men of letters, among them Lancelot Andrewes and Christopher Wren. Vossius' collected works were published at Amsterdam in six volumes (16951701).

      Of Vossius' eight children, four became distinguished scholars. Isaak Voss (161889) was tutor of Greek and librarian to Christina of Sweden before, in 1673, becoming resident canon of Windsor. Like his father, he was an eminent classical and ecclesiastical historian.

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