Volta, Ingo della

Volta, Ingo della

Genoese noble and financier
flourished 1164, Genoa

      wealthy Genoese noble and financier who led a faction that dominated the government and commerce of Genoa in the 12th century during the period of the aristocratic so-called consular commune.

      The della Volta, descended from officials of the margraves of Liguria who ruled Genoa in the early Middle Ages, shared with four other noble families a monopoly of Genoa's trade with Syria. Intermarrying, the group formed a concentration of political power headed by Ingo della Volta, under whose leadership the Genoese commune pursued an aggressive economic and military policy, sending commercial embassies to Provence, to Spain, and to other parts of Italy and military expeditions against Muslim Spain, conquering Almeria in 1147 and attacking Tortosa.

      Ingo headed an embassy to Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa in 1162, negotiating an alliance to invade Norman Sicily. But the failure of the Sicilian campaign to materialize, a disastrous attack of Sardinia, war with Pisa, and the costs of his expansionist policy brought about Ingo's downfall. In September 1164, his son Marchio, a consul, was murdered, and civil war broke out. The della Volta faction was ousted, the family's houses and towers were seized, and their control of Genoese politics ended.

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