Vitale da Bologna

Vitale da Bologna

▪ Italian artist
Vitale also spelled  Vidolini, or Vidolino,  also called  Vitale d'Aimo de' Cavalli, or Vitale delle Madonne  
born c. 1309, , Bologna, Emilia [Italy]
died 1361

      Italian painter of the Bolognese school whose early 14th-century paintings in the International Gothic style show a marked Sienese influence.

      The first official record of Vitale was in Bologna, where he painted the Odofredi Chapel in the Church of San Francesco. During this period he is credited with painting the “Last Supper” (1340; Pinacoteca, Bologna) for a room of the Monastery of San Francesco, as well as lyrical frescoes for the Chapel of San Lorenzo and the guesthouse of San Francesco.

      In 1348 he went to Udine, where he painted the Chapel of San Nicolo in the cathedral there. The frescoes of the life of St. Nicholas in this church have a Giottoesque monumentality of form. The “Madonna dei Battuti” (Vatican Museum) and “Madonna dei Denti” (1345; Galleria Davia-Bargellini, Bologna) are among the only signed works of the artist. The influence of Giovanni Pisano as well as of the Sienese can be seen in the “Madonna dei Denti.” The frescoes in the Church of Santa Maria dei Servi in Bologna and in the apse of the Santa Maria in Pomposa (1351) have also been attributed to Vitale. The fresco of the story of St. Eustase, in Pomposa, shows Vitale's use of more violent movement in his compositions.

      Vitale's defined work generally displays a play of masses defined by a restless Gothic line. He returned to the serene elegance of his earlier work, however, in the frescoes of the Church of Santa Maria dei Servi in Bologna (c. 1355). Other works attributed to Vitale are a Nativity fresco (Pinacoteca Nazionale, Bologna), believed to have been painted in 1350; the “Adoration of the Magi” (National Gallery, Edinburgh); a “St. Anthony” (Pinacoteca Nazionale), and a “St. George and the Dragon” (Pinacoteca, Bologna).

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Universalium. 2010.

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