Savitr — This article is about Deities in Vedic Hinduism. For concept of God, see God in Hinduism. An article related to Hinduism … Wikipedia
Trayastrimsa — The IAST|Trāyastriṃśa (Sanskrit; Pāli IAST|Tāvatiṃsa) heaven is an important world of the devas in Buddhist cosmology. The word IAST|trāyastriṃśa is an adjective formed from the numeral IAST|trayastriṃśat, 33 and can be translated in English as… … Wikipedia
Jowo Rinpoche — Jowo Mikyö Dorje Ramoche Tempel Jowo Rinpoche (tib.: jo bo rin po che; auch: Jowo Shakyamuni; „Kostbarer Herr“) ist der Name einer 1,5 Meter hohen vergoldeten Bronzestatue, die den Buddha Siddhartha Gautama als zwölfjährigen Prinzen darstellt … Deutsch Wikipedia
ВИШВАКАРМАН — (др. инд. Visvakarman , букв. «творец всего»), в ведийской и индуистской мифологии божественный творец вселенной, созидатель, поэт. В «Ригведе» ему посвящено два гимна в Х мандале (81, 82). Существенно, что как эпитет слово «В.» в «Ригведе»… … Энциклопедия мифологии
Viśvakarma — En el marco del hinduismo Vishvákarma es el dios de los artesanos y los arquitectos.[1] Vishuá Karma … Wikipedia Español
Тридцать три бога — Буддизм … Википедия
Prajapati — /preuh jah put ee/, n. Hindu Myth. a Vedic god personifying a creative force that evolves all things from itself. * * * Creator figure in the Vedic period of India. In early Vedic literature (see Veda), the name was applied to various primal… … Universalium
Indian philosophy — Any of the numerous philosophical systems developed on the Indian subcontinent, including both orthodox (astika) systems, namely, the Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, and Vedanta schools of philosophy, and unorthodox (nastika) systems … Universalium
Daivadnya Brahmin — Daivajña Brahmins Philanthropist Jagannath Shankarshet of Mumbai Total population 800,000 (estimated) … Wikipedia