

      port town, Asturias provincia (province) and comunidad autónoma (autonomous community), northwestern Spain, in the Costa Verde resort area. The town is a fishing port northeast of Oviedo city, where the Villaviciosa Inlet enters the Bay of Biscay. Used by the ancient Romans as a landing place, it was first called Tierra de Maliayo or Maleayo (“Corrupt Land”), which evolved to Villaviciosa (“Town of Vices”). Alfonso X gave it a charter in 1308. Charles I of Spain (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) landed in 1517 at nearby Tazones when he arrived from Flanders to take possession of Castile; the Casa de Hevia, where he stayed, is still preserved. The area is famous for its ecclesiastical architecture, notably the Church of Santa María de Villaviciosa (13th century) and the convent of Valdediós (8th century).

      Economic activities, apart from fishing and tourism, include the production of sparkling cider and apple by-products, dairy foods, and chocolate. Pop. (2007 est.) mun., 14,520.

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Universalium. 2010.

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