Vestdijk, Simon

Vestdijk, Simon

Dutch writer
born Oct. 17, 1898, Harlingen, Neth.
died March 23, 1971, Utrecht

      prolific Dutch writer whose early novels, with their unrelenting exposure of the barrenness of middle-class provincial life, shocked the bourgeois world of the 1930s.

      The cerebral, intellectual approach that characterizes Vestdijk's writing was already apparent in his poetry, with which he started his literary career. In his first published novel, Meneer Vissers hellevaart (1936; “Mr. Visser's Journey Through Hell”), the influence of James Joyce is evidentfrom the wealth of interior monologue to the author's preoccupation with distasteful everyday details. The brutality and mental cruelty of Mr. Visser is shown to stem from his militaristic upbringing, but, as in most of Vestdijk's novels, psychoanalytical intentions tend to swamp spiritual and human considerations in the work. His novel Terug tot Ina Damman (1934; “Back to Ina Damman”), a love story, was considered equally shocking when it appeared, but, having a less bitter theme, it probably remains the most popular of his more than 50 novels. His other novels include two that were translated into English: Rumeiland (1940; Rum Island) and De koperen tuin (1950; The Garden Where the Brass Band Played).

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  • Vestdijk — Simon Vestdijk (* 17. Oktober 1898 in Harlingen; † 23. März 1971 in Doorn) war ein niederländischen Schriftsteller. Von 1917 1927 studierte er Medizin, war darauf bis 1932 Arzt, davon einige Zeit an Bord eines Schiffes. Ab 1932 lebte er von der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Simon Vestdijk — est un écrivain, traducteur et médecin néerlandais, né le 17 octobre 1898 à Harlingen et décédé le 23 mars 1971 à Utrecht. Il est l auteur de romans, de poèmes et d essais ainsi que de critiques musicales. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Traductions e …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Simon Vestdijk — (* 17. Oktober 1898 in Harlingen; † 23. März 1971 in Doorn) war ein niederländischer Schriftsteller. Von 1917 1927 studierte er Medizin, war darauf bis 1932 Arzt, davon einige Zeit an Bord eines Schiffes. Ab 1932 lebte er von der Literatur. Er… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Simon Vestdijk — (October 17, 1898 March 23, 1971) was a Dutch writer.Born in the small town of Harlingen, Vestdijk studied medicine in Amsterdam, but turned to literature after a few years as a doctor. He became one of the most important 20th century writers in… …   Wikipedia

  • Simon Vestdijk — (Harlingen, países bajos, 17 de octubre de 1898 Utrecht, 23 de marzo de 1971 ) era un escritor, poeta, ensayista, traductor, crítico musical y medico neerlandés. Vestdijk estudio medicina en Ámsterdam, pero luego de unos años como doctor paso a… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Vestdijk —   [ vɛstdɛi̯k], Simon, niederländischer Schriftsteller, * Harlingen 17. 10. 1898, ✝ Utrecht 23. 3. 1971; war zunächst Schiffsarzt, ab 1932 freier Schriftsteller; verfasste autobiographische und historische Romane (z. B. »Anton Wachter cyclus«, 8… …   Universal-Lexikon

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