Violette Verdy — Portrait of Violette Verdy, in Serenade. Photo taken by Carl Van Vechten, 1961 Violette Verdy (born Nelly Guillerm in 1 December 1933 in Pont l Abbé) is a French ballerina who has worked as a director of dance companies and in other related… … Wikipedia
Violette Verdy — Violette Verdy, née Nelly Guillerm à Pont l Abbé le 1er décembre 1933, est une danseuse et directrice de ballet française. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Principaux rôles … Wikipédia en Français
Violette — can refer to:People*Violette Leduc *Violette Morris *Violette Szabo *Violette Verdy *Andrew Violette *Banks Violette *Chris Violette *Cyndy VioletteOther fields*Creme de violette *Violette Athletic Club *Violette Nozièreee also*Violetta … Wikipedia
ВЕРДИ Виолетта — (Verdy, Violette) (р. 1933), франко американская танцовщица, педагог, руководитель балетных коллективов, родилась в Пон л Аббе. Была артисткой труппы Ролана Пети, с 1957 Американ балле тиэтр , а с 1958 Нью Йорк сити балле . Прославилась… … Энциклопедия Кольера
Méthode Balanchine — Une arabesque selon Balanchine. Le haut du corps est très droit, la hanche de la jambe de derrière est ouverte pour allonger la ligne de la pose, qui est plus dynamique et élancée que celle traditionnelle. Les bras sont allongés au maximum le… … Wikipédia en Français
Boston Ballet — dancers perform Antony Tudor s Dark Elegies (1937) under the direction of Tudor expert Donald Mahler in 2008. Boston Ballet, founded in 1963 by E. Virginia Williams,[1] was the first professional repertory ballet company in New England. Boston… … Wikipedia
Conrad Ludlow — is a former principal dancer with New York City Ballet under George Balanchine. He also danced at San Francisco Ballet and founded and directed Ballet Oklahoma (now Oklahoma City Ballet). He is currently a professor at the University of Utah s… … Wikipedia
Верди В. — ВЕРДИ́ (Verdy) Виолет [наст. имя и фам. – Нелли Гийерм (Guillerm)] (р. 1.12.1933, Пон л Аббе, Франция), франц. артистка. Училась в Париже у мадам Рузан, затем у В. Гзовского. В 1945–49 в труппе Балет Елисейских полей. В 1951–57… … Балет. Энциклопедия
Liebeslieder Walzer — is a ballet made by New York City Ballet co founder and balletmaster George Balanchine to Johannes Brahms Liebeslieder , op. 52, 1869, and Neue Liebeslieder , op. 65, 1874, waltzes for piano duet and vocal quartet, set to poems by Daumer and… … Wikipedia
Volley Ball Club Riom Auvergne — VBC Riom … Wikipédia en Français