Van Doren, Carl

Van Doren, Carl

American critic
born Sept. 10, 1885, Hope, Ill., U.S.
died July 18, 1950, Torrington, Conn.

      U.S. author and teacher whose writings range through surveys of literature to novels, biography, and criticism.

      Educated at Columbia University (Ph.D., 1911), Van Doren taught there until 1930. In that period he was one of a group of academicians who helped to establish American literature and history as an integral part of university programs. He also served as managing editor of the Cambridge History of American Literature (191721) and literary editor of The Nation (191922) and Century Magazine (192225).

      For his discerning biography Benjamin Franklin (1939), Van Doren won a Pulitzer Prize. Other works include The American Novel (1921; revised 1940); Contemporary American Novelists (1922); American and British Literature Since 1890 (1925), in collaboration with his brother, Mark Van Doren, and revised in 1939; and What Is American Literature? (1935). His autobiography, Three Worlds, appeared in 1936.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Van Doren,Carl Clinton — Van Dor·en (văn dôrʹən, dōrʹ ), Carl Clinton. 1885 1950. American literary critic, editor, and writer whose biography of Benjamin Franklin (1938) won a Pulitzer Prize. His brother Mark (1894 1972), a prolific writer and critic, is best known for… …   Universalium

  • Van Doren, Carl (Clinton) and Mark — born Sept. 10, 1885, Hope, Ill., U.S. died July 18, 1950, Torrington, Conn. born June 13, 1894, Hope, Ill. died Dec. 10, 1972, Torrington, Conn. U.S. writers and teachers. Carl, who taught at Columbia University from 1911 to 1930, edited the… …   Universalium

  • Van Doren, Carl (Clinton) y Mark — (10 sep. 1885, Hope, Ill., EE.UU.–18 jul. 1950, Torrington, Conn.) (13 jun. 1894, Hope, Ill.–10 dic. 1972, Torrington, Conn.). Escritores y profesores estadounidenses. Carl, quien impartió clases en la Universidad de Columbia desde 1911 hasta… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Carl Clinton Van Doren — noun United States writer and literary critic (1885 1950) • Syn: ↑Van Doren, ↑Carl Van Doren • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author, ↑literary critic …   Useful english dictionary

  • Carl Van Doren — noun United States writer and literary critic (1885 1950) • Syn: ↑Van Doren, ↑Carl Clinton Van Doren • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author, ↑literary critic …   Useful english dictionary

  • Van Doren — noun United States writer and literary critic (1885 1950) • Syn: ↑Carl Van Doren, ↑Carl Clinton Van Doren • Instance Hypernyms: ↑writer, ↑author, ↑literary critic …   Useful english dictionary

  • Carl Clinton Van Doren — (September 10, 1885–July 18, 1950) was a U.S. critic and Pulitzer Prize winning biographer. He was the brother of Mark Van Doren and the uncle of Charles Van Doren.Born in Hope, Vermilion County, Illinois, Van Doren was the son of a country… …   Wikipedia

  • Van Doren — is a last name which can refer to:*Carl Clinton Van Doren, a Pulitzer Prize winning biographer. *Charles Van Doren, a quiz show contestant, professor and Encyclopædia Britannica editor. *Dorothy Graffe Van Doren, an American novelist. *Irita… …   Wikipedia

  • Van Doren —   [væn dɔːrən],    1) Carl Clinton, amerikanischer Literaturkritiker, * Hope (Illinois) 10. 9. 1885, ✝ Torrington (Connecticut) 18. 7. 1950, Bruder von 2); lehrte 1911 34 an der Columbia University in New York; arbeitete als Redakteur für… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Van Doren — [van dôr′ən] 1. Carl (Clinton)1885 1950; U.S. editor & writer 2. Mark (Albert) 1894 1972; U.S. poet & literary critic: brother of Carl …   English World dictionary

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