

German  Veltlin,  

      upper valley of the Adda River from its sources in the Ortles mountains westward to its entry into Lake Como, largely in Sondrio provincia, Lombardia (Lombardy) regione, northern Italy. The valley is enclosed by the Bernina Alps (north), the Ortles mountains (northeast), and the Orobie Alps (south) and is traversed by good roads over four well-marked Alpine passes: the Stelvio (Stelvio Pass) (9,042 feet [2,756 m]), the Bernina (7,621 feet [2,323 m]), the Aprica (3,858 feet [1,176 m]), and the Umbrail (9,944 feet [3,031 m]).

      Historically, the valley was the southern part of ancient Raetia (q.v.). It was then the object of dispute between Milan and the bishops of Como from the 6th to the 13th century and between Milan and the Swiss canton of Graubünden in the 16th and 17th centuries. It belonged to Graubünden from 1639 until 1797 and, after being dominated by the French during the Napoleonic Wars, passed to Austrian Lombardy; it was joined to the Kingdom of Italy in 1859. The population of the Valtellina within the diocese of Como is Italian-speaking and Roman Catholic. Vigorous measures have been taken to prevent inundations of the Adda, and the fertile valley supports varied agriculture, forestry, and livestock. The Valtellina is known for its wines, and it has also become important for its hydroelectric plants. Tourism is an increasingly significant economic factor. The chief towns are Sondrio, Tirano, Chiavenna, Morbegno, and Bormio.

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