

      (Sanskrit:mount,” orvehicle”), in Hindu mythology, the creature that serves as the vehicle and as the sign of a particular deity. The vāhana accompanies, pulls the chariot of, or serves as the seat or mount of his god. The vāhana is also used on banners and emblems to identify the god or the cult affiliation of the devotee.

      Some scholars understand the concept as a way of incorporating local theriomorphic (animal form) deities into the classical pantheon of Hindu deities. Others suggest the mythological pattern might have been borrowed from Mesopotamian art and mythology.

      The vāhanas of the major gods, such as Śiva's bull Nandi and Vishnu's bird Garuḍa, have a considerable mythology of their own. The vāhanas of other gods include the haṃsa (goose or swan) of Brahmā, the rat of Gaṇeśa, the peacock of Skanda, the elephant Airāvata of Indra, the parrot of Kāma, the owl of Lakṣmī, the lion of Pārvatī, and the man of Kubera.

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