

      city, Sevilla provincia (province), in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Andalusia, southwestern Spain. It lies southeast of the city of Sevilla on the Arroyo de la Antigua, which is a tributary of the Guadalquivir River.

      The site has been occupied since prehistoric times and was known as Utricula during the Roman period. The city, an episcopal see before domination by the Moors (who called it Gatrera), was retaken by Alfonso X the Wise (Alfonso X) of Castile in the 13th century; it reverted to a Moorish stronghold until finally reconquered (1340) by Juan Manuel for use as a Christian base. During the Middle Ages it was a notorious refuge for brigands and outlaws. The city was twice ruinedby Muḥammad V in 1368 and in the Peninsular War, 180814and rebuilt. Landmarks such as a 14th-century Moorish castle, the Gothic churches of Santa María and Santiago, and the Sanctuary of Consolation (Consolación) remain.

      Economic activities are agriculturally based and include the production of olive oil, poultry, textiles, wines, margarine, cereals, and flour. Horses and fighting bulls are raised in the vicinity. Pop. (2007 est.) mun., 49,135.

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