Upamāna — (devanāgarī : उपमान) est un terme sanskrit qui signifie « standard de comparaison »[1]. Ce vocable fait aussi partie de la terminologie liée à la philosophie indienne et a alors le sens d « analogie ». Celui ci est… … Wikipédia en Français
Upamana — (Sanskrit: comparison ), in Hinduism, is a pramana, or means of having knowledge of something. Observance of similarities provides knowledge of the relationship between the two … Wikipedia
praty-upamāna — प्रत्युपमान … Indonesian dictionary
Pramana — Pramāṇa[1] (devanāgarī: प्रमाण) (moyen de connaissance valide) est un terme de philosophie hindoue ou bouddhique qui correspond dans la philosophie occidentale à l épistémologie. Le pramāņa forme un membre d un tripode (tripuţi) orbitant autour… … Wikipédia en Français
Nyaya — Part of a series on Hindu philosophy … Wikipedia
Pramana — (IAST IAST|Pramāņa ) ( sources of knowledge , Sanskrit) is an epistemological term in Hindu [ [http://www.dvaita.org/shaastra/prameya.html#section 2 The Nine Tenets of Vedanta] ] [ [http://www.hindupedia.com/en/Pramana Pramana] at Hindupedia, the … Wikipedia
Indische Logik — Als indische Logik bezeichnet man im engeren Sinn das System der Logik, das eine der sechs Schulen der indischen Philosophie darstellt (Nyaya). Im weiteren Sinn zählt man die buddhistische und die jainistische Logik dazu. Sie stellt sämtliche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Relationship between religion and science — Part of a series on Science … Wikipedia
Advaita Vedanta — (IAST IAST|Advaita Vedānta ; Sanskrit Unicode|अद्वैत वेदान्त; IPA2|əd̪vait̪ə veːd̪ɑːnt̪ə) is a sub school of the Vedānta (literally, end or the goal of the Vedas , Sanskrit) school of Hindu philosophy. [… … Wikipedia
Vaisheshika — Vaisheshika, or IAST|Vaiśeṣika, (Sanskrit:वैशॆषिक) is one of the six Hindu schools of philosophy (orthodox Vedic systems) of India. Historically, it has been closely associated with the Hindu school of logic, Nyaya. Vaisesika espouses a form of… … Wikipedia