in full  Universal Automatic Computer 
 one of the earliest commercial computers (computer). After leaving the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, University of), J. Presper Eckert, Jr. (Eckert, J. Presper, Jr.), and John Mauchly (Mauchly, John W.), who had worked on the engineering design of the ENIAC computer for the United States during World War II, struggled to obtain capital to build their latest design, a computer they called the Universal Automatic Computer, or UNIVAC. (In the meantime, they contracted with the Northrop Corporation (Northrop Grumman Corporation) to build the Binary Automatic Computer, or BINAC, which, when completed in 1949, became the first American stored-program computer.) The partners delivered the first UNIVAC to the U.S. Bureau of the Census in March 1951, although their company, their patents, and their talents had been acquired by Remington Rand, Inc., in 1950. Although it owed something to experience with ENIAC, UNIVAC was built from the start as a stored-program computer, so it was very different architecturally. It used an operator keyboard and console typewriter for simple, or limited, input and magnetic tape for all other input and output (input/output device). Printed output was recorded on tape and then printed by a separate tape printer.

      The UNIVAC I was designed as a commercial data-processing computer, intended to replace the punched-card accounting machines of the day. It could read 7,200 decimal digits per second (it did not use binary numbers (binary number system)), making it by far the fastest business machine yet built. Its use of Eckert's mercury delay lines greatly reduced the number of vacuum tubes (electron tube) needed (to 5,000), thus enabling the main processor to occupy amere14.5 by 7.5 by 9 feet (approximately 4.4 by 2.3 by 2.7 metres) of space. It was a true business machine, signaling the convergence of academic computational research with the office automation trend of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As such, it ushered in the era ofBig Iron”—large, mass-produced computing equipment.

Paul A. Freiberger Michael R. Swaine

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  • UNIVAC — or U|ni|vac «YOO nuh vak», noun. Trademark. an electronic computer which uses a binary numbering system. ╂[< Univ(ersal) A(utomatic) C(omputer)] …   Useful english dictionary

  • UNIVAC — Der Universal Automatic Calculator oder UNIVAC (nach anderen Quellen Universal Automatic Computer) ist ein Computer aus dem Jahr 1951, der von J. Presper Eckert und John W. Mauchly (beide aus der ENIAC Gruppe) konstruiert wurde. Der UNIVAC nutzte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Univac — Der Universal Automatic Calculator oder UNIVAC (nach anderen Quellen Universal Automatic Computer) ist ein Computer aus dem Jahr 1951, der von J. Presper Eckert und John W. Mauchly (beide aus der ENIAC Gruppe) konstruiert wurde. Der UNIVAC nutzte …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • UNIVAC I — The UNIVAC I ( U N I V ersal A utomatic C omputer I ) was the first commercial computer made in the United States.It was designed principally by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the inventors of the ENIAC. Design work was begun by their… …   Wikipedia

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