United Steelworkers

United Steelworkers

American labour union
in full  United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union 

      American labour union representing workers in metallurgical (metallurgy) industries as well as in healthcare and other service industries. The union grew out of an agreement reached in 1936 between the newly formed Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO; later the Congress of Industrial Organizations (American Federation of LaborCongress of Industrial Organizations)) and the Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, an older union that had failed in earlier attempts to organize American steelworkers. Operating within the CIO, the newly formed union was called the Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC).

      Under the leadership of Philip Murray (Murray, Philip), the SWOC quickly developed into a strong organization, and in 1937 the giant United States Steel Corporation recognized the union as a bargaining agent. A group of independent steel firms, known aslittle steel,” held out against the union until 1941, when, under pressure from the federal government, they too recognized it.

      In 1942 the SWOC was officially transformed into the United Steelworkers of America (USWA). Murray served as president until his death in 1952. The USWA absorbed the Aluminum Workers of America in 1944, reached a total of more than one million members by the mid-1950s, and achieved industry-wide bargaining power in steelmaking. It also won unprecedented benefits for its members in the decades after World War II. Starting in the mid-1970s, however, the USWA's membership and bargaining power declined as the American steel industry faced competition from lower-priced steel manufactured in other parts of the world.

      In 1986 high domestic production costs and decreased demand caused the major American steel companies to suspend their 30-year practice of bargaining jointly with the USWAan approach called coordinated bargaining. In a fast-changing market, it was no longer possible for steel companies to operate collectively (collective bargaining) in negotiating long-term labour agreements. Instead, each steel company began to bargain separately with the union. The result was a period of difficult negotiations with USX Corporation (former parent company of United States Steel) that led to a lockout and the longest work stoppage in the history of USX (July 1986January 1987).

      In April 2005 the USWA merged with the Industrial, Chemical and Energy Workers International Union (PACE). The new union represented workers in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean.

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