

bull by Clement XI
in full  Unigenitus Dei Filius, 

      bull issued by Pope Clement XI on Sept. 8, 1713, condemning the doctrines of Jansenism, a dissident religious movement within France. The publication of the bull began a doctrinal controversy in France that lasted throughout much of the 18th century and that merged with the French church's fight for autonomy, called Gallicanism, and with the opposition of the Parlements (supreme courts) to the crown.

      Unigenitus, which condemned 101 theological propositions of the Jansenist writer Pasquier Quesnel (Quesnel, Pasquier) contained in the book Réflexions morales, was issued at the request of the French king, Louis XIV, who wished to suppress the Jansenist faction. Louis was able to secure initial acceptance of the bull, but some French bishops (led by Louis-Antoine de Noailles (Noailles, Louis-Antoine de), cardinal-archbishop of Paris) rejected it, and the Parlement of Paris accepted it only with reservations. The Jansenists were supported by the magistrates of the Parlements, who regarded the bull as an unwarranted papal interference with the French church. The crown, in supporting the pope and those French bishops who accepted the bull, found itself increasingly at odds with the parlementaires (Parlement).

      The controversy over Unigenitus broke out in earnest after the death of Louis XIV in 1715. In 1717 four bishops appealed against the bull to a future ecumenical council (which they held to have authority over the pope). But the bishops' effective opposition ended with the death of Cardinal de Noailles in 1729.

      As a further blow to the Jansenist cause, a royal declaration of 1730 made the bull a law of the state and threatened ecclesiastics who rejected it with loss of lands.

      The final episode in the controversy occurred from 1749 to 1754 over the issue of billets de confession. The billets were papers affirming submission to the bull that suspected Jansenists were ordered to sign by the archbishop of Paris, Christophe de Beaumont. If they refused, the last sacraments and burial in consecrated ground would be denied them. The Parlement of Paris, claiming jurisdiction over matters of ecclesiastical discipline and supported by public opinion, opposed the billets. It ordered priests to administer the sacraments to every one of the faithful under pain of banishment and confiscation of goods. In 1754 King Louis XV forbade continuation of the dispute.

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