Umar Iʿ

Umar Iʿ

Muslim caliph
in full  ʿumar Ibn Al-khaṭtāb  
born c. AD 586, , Mecca, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]
died Nov. 3, 644, Medina, Arabia

      the second Muslim caliph (from 634), under whom Arab armies conquered Mesopotamia and Syria and began the conquest of Iran and Egypt.

      A member of the clan of ʿAdi of the Meccan tribe of Quraysh (Koreish), ʿUmar at first opposed Muḥammad (Muhammad) but, about 615, became a Muslim. By 622, when he went to Medina with Muḥammad and the other Meccan Muslims, he had become one of Muḥammad's chief advisers, closely associated with Abū Bakr. His position in the state was marked by Muḥammad's marriage to his daughter Hafsa in 625. On Muḥammad's death in 632 ʿUmar was largely responsible for reconciling the Medinan Muslims to the acceptance of a Meccan, Abū Bakr, as head of state (caliph). Abū Bakr (reigned 632634) relied greatly on ʿUmar and nominated him to succeed him. As caliph, ʿUmar was the first to call himselfcommander of the faithful” (amīr al-muʾminīn). His reign saw the transformation of the Islāmic state from an Arabian principality to a world power. Throughout this remarkable expansion ʿUmar closely controlled general policy and laid down the principles for administering the conquered lands. The structure of the later Islāmic empire, including legal practice, is largely due to him. Assassinated by a Persian slave for personal reasons, he died at Medina 10 years after coming to the throne. A strong ruler, stern toward offenders, and himself ascetic to the point of harshness, he was universally respected for his justice and authority.

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Universalium. 2010.

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