Tzetzes, John

Tzetzes, John

Byzantine scholar
born c. 1110
died after 1180

      Byzantine didactic poet and scholar who preserved much valuable information from ancient Greek literature and scholarship, in which he was widely read.

      Tzetzes was for a time secretary to a provincial governor, then earned a meagre living by teaching and writing. He has been described as the perfect specimen of the Byzantine pedant. His literary and scholarly output was enormous, although it contained many inaccuraciesmostly because he was quoting from memory, lacking books, which he said his poverty forced him to do without.

      Of his numerous and varied works the most important is the Chiliades (“Thousands”). Also known as the Book of Histories, the work is a long poem (more than 12,000 lines of 15 syllables) containing literary, historical, antiquarian, and mythological miscellanies, intended to serve as a commentary on Tzetzes' own letters, which are addressed to friends and famous contemporaries as well as to fictitious persons. Though the whole work suffers from an unnecessary display of learning, the total number of authors quoted being more than 400, it contains much information unavailable elsewhere. Another work is Allegoriai on the Iliad and the Odyssey, two long didactic poems containing interpretations of Homeric theology. Interspersed in his learned commentaries are vignettes of everyday life in Constantinople.

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