

formerly  (until 1911) Toscanella,  Latin  Tuscania, or Tuscana,  

      town, Lazio (Latium) regione, central Italy, west of Viterbo. The ancient city was a prosperous Etruscan centre in the 3rd century BC, and Etruscan tombs have been found nearby. Until a disastrous earthquake in 1971, the town contained many relics and treasures of the Etruscan, Roman, and medieval periods. The quake severely damaged the town's two magnificent Romanesque-Lombard churches, San Pietro (8th and 12th centuries), the rose window and parts of the apse and adjacent towers of which collapsed, and Santa Maria Maggiore (7th and 12th centuries), which lost the top of its stone bell tower. Other churches and buildings in the town also sustained heavy damage. By the late 20th century, however, most buildings had been either restored or replaced. Pop. (2006 est.) 7,895.

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